Influencing Factors

The key factors influencing the proposals and Prima Group’s aspirations for the site can be summarised as follows:

  • Create a strong sense of place – A unique and attractive neighbourhood that meets the needs of its community and provides a positive visual anchor on Birkenhead’s waterfront.

  • Provide a vibrant mix of uses – Including new homes and ground floor commercial and community uses.

  • Heritage - Celebrate key landmarks and views of Hamilton Square Station, Birkenhead Town Hall, the Session Court, Ventilation Station and the Liverpool waterfront.

  • Sustainability – Delivers an energy-efficient development which supports Wirral’s response to the declaration of the climate change emergency.

  • Graving dock wall – Incorporates the graving dock wall into the landscaping scheme as a way of celebrating the site's historical past.

  • Green infrastructure – Maximises opportunities for green infrastructure and habitat creation to provide a net gain in biodiversity.

  • Active Travel – Improve permeability from the town centre through the site down to the waterfront by creating new routes that prioritise pedestrians and cyclists.