The site, known locally as Rose Brae, is in a highly accessible and prominent location on the banks of the River Mersey.

Formerly used as a graving dock, the site has remained undeveloped since it was filled in and vacated in the early 1980s.

The boundary of the site is defined by the Child Support Agency and HM Land Registry offices to the north, the Wirral Circular Trail to the east, Priory Wharf to the south and Church Street to the west.

In October 2023, the site was partially cleared to allow the site investigations to be carried out. This was undertaken outside the bird nesting season and in consultation with Prima Group’s Ecologist, Kingdom Ecology, and Wirral Council.

A Phase 1 Habitat Survey was also completed in August 2023 before the clearance took place. No evidence of protected species was identified. However, there were some areas of non-native, invasive plant species. These were shown on photographs and maps to Prima Group so they could be avoided as part of the clearance works.

The baseline survey undertaken prior to the site clearance works will be used to inform the biodiversity net gain assessment required to support the planning application.